I draw this skull last April:
Then about 15 minutes ago, when I was reading Sherina's Blog, I found this picture:
SHOCKING!!! How can Lindsay Lohan wear a shirt with my skull on it?
Then I have just realized. I ever made a deal with nobody from Bandung. He wants me to draw something gothic for his clothing industry or something. He will pay for what I made. So I made this funny skull. But then he said he doesn't have any money yet to pay what I have made. UNTIL NOW. It's okay for me tho. But but but but but... How can Lindsay wear that shirt?
I don't know what to do except laughing.
aq juga mau kalau ada yg jual kaos bgitu, mit. gbr tengkoraknya ok loh! ;)
To aia:
Wow thanks!!! :)) Aku juga berfikir untuk membuat kaos itu sendiri. Hehehe.
To morphy:
Waow terima kasih!!!
gambar mu keren mit!
kalo bener lindsay lohan pake kaosmu, harusnya kamu minta royalti lebih mit, hehehe
oya, anday cinta laura melihat tengkorakmu mit, dia pasti tergila2, kan dia suka tengkorak mit, hehe
Semoga Anda pernah (minimal) denger Skull and Bones
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