Thursday, December 13, 2007

million dollar baby.

My mother told me before, she wouldn't watch this movie ever again. She said, "the story turned my mood down. It's a sad story."

But I'm confident enough. I think my mood at that time was on the top. Im not scared to be sad because of the movie. So that's why I watched it.

My mother was right. This movie can turn the mood down, eventho your mood is on the top. Damn, I could't resist it. Too much tears.

One of the sadest but best scene in the movie it was when Frankie Dunn kissed Maggie Fitzgerald and said "Mo cuishle means My Darling, My Blood". So I cry. :(

Just like Ebert & Roeper, Two Thumbs Up for Million Dollar Baby.

Btw, I'm too late to watch this movie :(

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