The hard thing that anyone ever had in this world is facing reality that doesn't work as we want to. Being stupid surrounded by the smart people, being ugly surrounded by the beauty, being a loser, being disabled, being the victim of a broken home, or maybe having a big problem that no one else ever had before. It is hard but we can solve it. We are human beings. We have the power to do that.
But the hardest thing that anyone can have in this world is when the people around us giving the "pity face" and telling us that they are sorry about our problem.
Well people, there's no any other problem in this world that human couldn't face, except facing the people who are pity to us.
People with problems can face it, can solve it, and they doesn't need you to be sorry. Just treat them like any other people.
It's just a problem anyway, you don't need to pity them.
"pitty" dan "care" emang bedanya tipis mit. orang yang pitty belom tentu care ama masalah yg kita hadapi dan orang yg care biasanya tidak memandang "pitty" kita.
Pitty dan care bkn beda tipis.Tp sangat berbeda .Care itu peduli,pitty itu kasihan,kasihan itu konotasinya negatif
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